Members enjoy a special sense of belonging to the local arts community. By joining the FHAC today be the first to hear about upcoming events and programs, receive discounts for classes, and help to promote growth of the arts in our community. Click on link below to download our membership form. Our membership year runs June 1 - May 31.
Please make check payable to the Fair Haven Community Art Center and mail to:
Fair Haven Community Art Center P.O. Box 496 Fair Haven, NY 13064
Membership Form: clickfor link or email us at [email protected] and we will send you a membership form. GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FOR ANY CLASSES IN 2024-25 To download a purchase form click here or email us at [email protected] You can also leave a message at 315-947-2144 to arrange payment and pick up in person.
Membership and/or gift certificate payment can also be made via credit card and processed through our PayPal account. You don't need a PayPal account to participate. Please submit your membership form or gift certificate purchase form with credit card payment checked off. DO NOT include your credit card number. We will use your email to send you an invoice with the Pay Now button.
Gift certificates will be mailed out after payment has been processed. They expire after one year.